Experiencing Sudden Drop in SEO Rankings? Consult SEO Professionals Melbourne

Your website is facing poor rankings. Have you ever experienced a sudden downfall of your website rankings in the next day when you headed to open your website? The problem that has put your website down can be any and only experienced SEO Professionals Melbourne would be able to identify the issues and provide with the solution.

Traffic Dropping
Traffic dropping can be painful for your business. It is important to find out the reasons behind the rankings drop.

First of all, know the various places from where you are getting leads for your website:

  • Organic Search: When a user made any search using the search engine, then they are addressed with the list of websites matching their queries.
  • Direct: This traffic comes by directly visiting your website, either by typing the website URL or clicking on any bookmark.
  • Referral: Traffic that comes from any website referring to your website.
  • Social Media: Traffic that comes from social media sites like Facebook, Twitter etc.
  • Paid: Traffic that comes from paid services like advertisements, banners or listing.

What are the common reasons of dropped traffic?

  • Google Penalty: A major reason why most webmasters suffers from traffic drop is Google Penalty. Google released its algorithm regularly to bring the most relevant search result to the user. If anytime they found a website violating Google algorithm suffers from huge traffic loss. This could be due to the website influencing search engine rankings, following wrong SEO practice, holding poor quality or deceptive.The SEO Professionals Melbourne test your website for the updated Google algorithm to make sure it is implemented based on the Google approach.
  • Poor Backlinks: Avoid linking to the website holding bad reputation. As every single link you created for a website favours that website, therefore associating your link to a penalized or spam website will let a sudden fall of traffic to your website.Professional SEO services always follow ethical approach to get top rankings of the website and gain more traffic.
  • Indexing: Many webmasters lands themselves in the indexing issues that affect your website sitemap file. A single mistake can prevent the search engine list your website in their indexing result.Consult professional SEO expert who would repair any internal broken links.
  • Website not updated: Google looks of the website that provides with the updated content. If you are posting a blog for a few weeks and then suddenly stopped it may lead to a sudden drop of the website traffic. Google always favours fresh content website for their indexing result.

Website rankings play vital role in gaining maximum leads to your website. Therefore, it is important to follow the right strategies in order to have a hold of your Google rankings. While the Google algorithm can suddenly benefit few websites with good rankings, it may also hurt the rankings of other websites.

Wind Up

The problem that has put down the website ranking can be any. Only an SEO professional can help you in identifying the issues and provide with the solution.