Email Marketing

The Most Reliable Email Marketing Services Agency In Melbourne

Since the mid-90s Email marketing has been an initial and important marketing tool since people in general started using emails for communication. Even after being present for over two decades, Platinum, a leading email marketing services company believes it is hard to see why any business would not like to have email marketing. It remains one of the fastest, yet cheapest maintaining a good brand recall value rate for marketing.

Platinum’s email marketing in Melbourne is looked by experienced email experts. Our experience as an email marketing agency shows that old way of doing email is out of market. The older way of mass mailing to a set list of subscribers end up being in spam. It still might have good content and objective, but the old system fails to offer any concrete returns.

New challenges bring new opportunities. Going by this proverb, a new breed of email has carved a niche out in the online marketing space. Such emails are highly targeted and personalized that engages the target audience.

Database And Subscribers

At platinum, we do a little bit of research along with you on your existing database. Firstly, if you don’t have an existing data base, we will help you create one. We try to filter out customers who are already interested in your brand and want to be engaged regularly. That means sending emails to a list of people who have already chosen to hear from you actively.
SEO marketing
SEO Marketing

Customised Email Templates

Before we start sending emails to the target audience, the team at platinum will create effective, vibrant and eye catchy designs and templates that suits your business. Once the design is finalized, we will develop email template that can be used to target a wide array of customer base.


Get in touch to find out what we can do for you

Email Content

We have learnt that through our email marketing in Melbourne that email content is the most important segment of the email marketing. An effective content in the email directly connects with the reader / customer. Starting from the subject line till the last line, it is all about an effective content.
Email marketing
Email marketing

Distribution And Sending

To achieve the best results and outcome, bulk email marketing campaigns need several tricks and tips. It can be classification of the database, managing the subscription, time and nature of the email being sent and leaving you stress free on this type of marketing, our specialists will ensure to get the best out of it.


Get in touch to find out what we can do for you

Results And Reporting

We take feedback constructively. We are driven by feedback and results. We will be waiting for results from the day we start the email marketing. We believe that an accurate report acts as an guiding path which can give a good insight on the performance. For an email marketing agency that becomes your partner for growth, get in touch with us here.
Email marketing