As the time moves from desktop to mobile devices, the image inclusion in the search engines has their own advantages and clearly visible, easily understood and make it effectively clickable as compared to traditional organic search. Google images are now cover 32.4 percent of search result is the most known reason of optimizing search results. This is the reason which makes us sharing some important points of image optimization.

Some of the top factors for image optimization are:
- Image should have 2-4 word relevant file name.
- Image should have 2-4 descriptive word ALT tag.
- The image must have a relevant heading, surrounding text or caption.
- You must utilize clear images, should be placed high up on the page, with the height and width attributes specified.
- Create and submit an Image sitemap
Filenames to images: The most important thing is giving a filename, as per search engine rules my-seo-adelaide.jpg/gif.png is a much more accurate than IMG001.jpg. You can use numbers if you are using multiple images for the same object type (e.g., my-seo-adelaide-2.jpg)
Note: In Google image search result JPEGs seems to appear the most of the time, but this is a normal thing, whether .jpg/.jpeg, PNG and GIF should be your preferred types of image files, but PNG and GIF having less loading time, makes it more advantageous than other, whether SVG, WebP and BMP are okay. Use hyphens instead of spaces and underscores as delimiters.
ALT Text to Images: To describe the image in an accurate manner ALT Text is used. You must use enough keywords to satisfy guidelines of search engines but do not follow keyword stuffing method. You can use 3-4 words at max as ALT Text. As per user point of view which is preferred by Google also for images is ALT text. Use Lynx a text-only browser for testing your content.
Offer Great User Experience With Images: Google search engine is User Centric, so it shows the results relevant to user’s search query, so the more the image is optimize the more visibility it gets. For achieving this you should use clear and fresh images, if your website has number of images, you must create different webpage for different images. To make it more effective and optimized manner you should include more descriptive title, captions and alt tags.
Some guidelines you can consider are:
- Some users do not like to scroll, so the image should be placed on top of the webpage
- Use specified height and width to increase page load time
- To save images together effectively create a structured directory
Use Sitemaps for Images: You should create and submit a sitemap for the images also; it is the best way to assist search engines to find images of your site same as done for the WebPages. You must be assured that the sitemaps for the images is validated via the associated Google search console account of the domain. For optimizing the image more you can use geo-location, caption and tile tags.
Wind Up:
Image optimization a plus for an SEO Professional. It is the must have quality of the experts working in SEO Adelaide Organization, and offering the best and world class activity.