Seven Interesting Digital Marketing Statistics from Last Week

Once again, we are back with some interesting digital marketing statistics from last seven days. So, let’s see what’s new in this digital marketing world:

The History and Evolution of Digital Marketing [Updated]

Seven Interesting Statistics for Digital Marketing:

  • 44.9% of total mobile advertising revenue comes from mobile advertising: During 2014, global mobile revenue increased up to 65% with an estimation of up to $31.9 bn. Here, North America has the greatest share with $14.32 billion. It is one of the fastest growing regions that have revenues of up to 76.8% in 2013.
  • Viewability rates have reduced to 44%: As per Integral Ad Science, all over view ability rates have reduced by 5% every year and hence these reduced from 49% to 44%. These viewability rates
  • 20% Revenue can be increased using the Shopper Genome with Online Retailers: eCommerce retailers are thinking to get connected with shoppers for various things like product design but on the other end they fail to utilize the emotional points properly. This can result into poor customer experience.But instead of doing so, if they effectively engage with all the digital customers across all the digital points then the revenue can increase from 10% to 20%.
  • SMS and MMS are the widely used functions in any mobile: Those people who love to chat the most are considered as the most enthusiastic testers who use 33% of their mobile device for text messages only.SMS and MMS are most common in young generation as compared to the older ones. People from age group 55 to 64 like to talk on phone rather than typing emails, messages and chatting and youth loves to use more of emails as compared to phones.
  • Children spend more time watching TV as compared to watching videos or playing video games: As per the survey, it was found that more than 500 children between the age of 8 to 18 spent about 15.5 hours behind the media content.Out of which seven to eight hours are spent watching television and nearly 7 hours for playing video games, watching YouTube videos as well as cable channels.
  • Pay TV operators lost 625000 video subscribers in Q2 of 2015: There are nearly 100.4 residential and commercial customers using Pay TV services and still popularity of streaming services is increasing in cable consumption.
  • Cooperative Advertising Programmes will sum up to $36 billion this year: As per the research, it is shown that brand managers are investing more dollars in co op programmes but among all the investment made, nearly 40% remains unused and this is twice the amount which remained unused three years back.

Wind Up:

These were the digital marketing statistics that can help online marketers to take decision while preparing strategy for any firm. Any company willing to frame a digital marketing strategy can take advice from experts for the same.

SEO Professionals at Melbourne, Platinum SEO will be always available to serve you in a better way. So, stay tuned with them to remain updated with latest trends.