SEO Adelaide tips: Boost your pins in Pinterest for SEO

Pinterest has become a very common social networking platform for all the users. Search engines can read only alt tags in images, so you need to describe your photo very well. Do you want to boost your pins in Pinterest?

In Pinterest, you can describe each uploaded pins in about 500 characters. SEO Adelaide suggests keeping the visual appeal of Pinterest and getting word descriptors to at least half its limits. Some studies show that pins with 200 – 300 character gets most repins.

Tips for boosting your Pinterest pins:

  1. Be concise: You may want to concise and deliberate with the keywords while writing your blurbs, but you should always strike a balance and have consumers in your mind. Remember that you are marketing your products and brand, so use a relatable language that is relevant to your content too.

  2. Do not neglect keywords: Do not overlook the chance of including your keywords and do not use them. The companies that pump descriptions with keywords are seen as spam by different search engines.

  3. Put emphasizes on writing: Focus on writing in a way that you can connect with both the consumers and search results. Use SEO to strike a balance between dialogue with your customers and describing products.

  4. Get more followers: SEO Adelaide ads follow button to your site on as many pages as possible. Promote your Pinterest account on the social media account. The more the number of followers, the higher would be the authority of your profile and board and pins will rank high in the Pinterest search.

  5. Have good pins: Encourage users to pin the content from the website primes the Pinterest search pump. The more appropriate pins you receive, the more is your authority, and your posts are ranked higher.

  6. Set up rich pins: By setting up rich pins, you can pull structured data from your site and display it on Pinterest. Contents that have shown price, availability of product, ingredients of the recipe, phone number, and map ranks higher in the search option. It is more visible in the users feed, and it gives a higher click through rate.

Pinterest is dominated with pins of fashion, travel, and cooking. You may target other topics for its optimization as well. A guided search helps users to sift through billion pins and find things. SEO Adelaide looks for the niche with a high volume of search but the lower volume of content. Get their service and witness a drastic change in your business at a cost effective price.