The Search Engine Optimization world is majorly divided in On-page website optimization and off-page website optimization. The On-page optimization is much straight-forward in nature as it is completely in the control of the optimizer. In general, the optimizer use different structure, format and include keywords in the main copy of their website so that the webpage shows as the relevant result by the search engines for the queries made by the user for the related keywords.

On other hand it is mostly referred that link-building is a contributing factor for a website’s search position, so only the quality content is not solely able to make you more visible on high SERP for your relevant keyword. Link-building by modern SEO pros is all-about quality instead of quantity, and it should be placed on high authority site trusted by the search engines.
International link-building
The link-building factors of the international market are same as to the domestic markets with a some added factors which is a need to be considered. Anchor text and the keywords are inherently connected with each other. So in any case you are ranking on various search engines like Google, Bing, Yahoo! etc for a specific keyword then there is a chance that these keywords are available as the anchor text in in-bound links.
Now, if in any scenario the same company is targeting the French market, they are most likely tempted to directly translate their business keywords. But the factor need to considered that when you are linking keyword from a website of foreign-language, you need to give attention that local users may not utilize the direct dictionary translations to look for the service and product, they can use any different variation of the same search term or might use a slang word, synonyms, pseudo-anglicism or even abbreviations.
PR and Link-building
Press release is might be the best associate when it comes to achieve the high-quality links for the businesses majorly focus on the international market. It is the best practice to release news about anything different or new happen in your organization to be the part of the news. Press releases are free to send, and is best way to target most of the top online news publication site. Fortunately if your news got picked up but the site, there is a possibility that you are going to get a back-link for your website.
It is the best preferred option to contract a professional PR expert from SEO Perth at-least for a short time, who are expert and assist you to find out the effective and hidden stories inside your business and customize your stories focusing on your target markets, a little creativity is all that is needed for the task.
Wind Up:
Link-building is a key area which is need to get the focus no matter what your SEO strategy is focusing on local market or on international market. Hire best SEO Perth firm for all your SEO and link-building requirements and get the best service for online/digital marketing.