Some important SEO Best Practices for Small Business Firms

Be it small or large business enterprise, everyone wants to be on the top of Google’s Search results and to do so, the main thing is to make better use of SEO. By adopting better local SEO practices, business can be easily brought in front of the customers at the desired time when they are actually looking for you.

With the availability of all Google algorithm updates, Local SEO has become somewhat a difficult task irrespective of any person being an expert or just a beginner in the SEO field. Here, we have listed some best SEO practices to render top rankings to your business among search results.

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Best SEO Practices for Small business firms:

  • Make most use of Local Google+ Page: So, whenever you search on Google to find any business, you can see a map on the right hand corner of the results page. A complete section of list of results is available on that map.All these results are taken from Google+ Local Business Pages. So, it’s advisable to set up a business Google+ Local Page and always create one page per location as duplicate location pages are not allowed by Google and so these can badly hurt your rankings.Apart from this, the page must be created in particular category. Hence, while creating the page, always select more categories that are relevant to your business. Avoid selecting irrelevant categories as this is forbidden by Google.
  • Add Service and Geographic Keywords to Page Titles: This is one of the important things that must be kept in mind while creating a Local Business Page on Google+. Title tags are important to identify the business in a proper manner.These give a brief idea about the business. Home page title tags are important as they are the symbols which can leave a long lasting impression in the minds of readers. For Local SEO, service and geographical keywords are a necessity and they should be added to title tags so that Google search bot can easily show your site in the search results when people are searching for that relevant business ideas in local area.
  • Provide consistent NAP Details: NAP stands for Name, address and Phone number. These are the significant details when it comes to Local SEO optimization. Google makes constant efforts to provide accurate contact details to the users.The algorithm verifies the NAP details of all the business providers and then it displays it in the search results over entire search engine apart from just Google + Local Page. So, always try to provide relevant information so that Google can refer your business easily.
  • Set up Schema: Schema markup is one of the HTML codes which informs Google about your website. This is used so that search engines can easily understand your website and it does so by summating machine understandable explanations.This tool is considered by very less number of webmasters, so include yourself among those who are using it as it is one of the ways to stay ahead among competitors.
  • Customer Reviews for Google+ Local: It’s necessary to get maximum customer reviews on Google Local Page as they increase your online reputation thus making you more popular among the internet users.However getting maximum reviews is not an easy task and so the only thing to get more of them is to render fruitful satisfactory services which will make it easy for customers to make a positive review and this will help to improve local rankings thus turning out to be a big obstacle for your competitors.
  • Making mobile optimized website: Now days, we can see people mostly surfing internet on mobiles. So, it is advisable to develop a mobile optimized site so that the website can get the presence of more customers.It is perfectly apt when people are in search of local companies. Research has proved that 90% of local businesses are found from mobile devices and very soon Google will be launching an algorithm update that will consider mobile optimization as one of the important factors for top rankings.Hence, if yours is not the mobile optimized one then it’s the right time to do so as this will aid you in getting more rankings as well as more popularity among customers.

Wind up:

Well, these are some important tips for small businesses who wish to enhance their Local SEO. If you are one of them or know any small business that is willing to expand its local online presence then Platinum SEO, SEO Company in Melbourne is the perfect place for you.

Get in touch with them today to fulfill your needs and increase your chances to be on the top among local businesses available in your area.