Mega Menu Elements and SEO

Today the trend of mobile optimized website is increasing by leaps and bounds. Whosoever has a website wishes to opt for responsive design so that website can work well on mobile devices as well. However, along with site design; SEO is also useful.

When it comes to SEO; website navigation plays an important role. Menus are the first to be considered when the question is of website navigation. This means SEO, Mega menus and navigation are interconnected with each other.


So, let’s see how Mega Menus are useful in improving the SEO of your website. How mega menus can be implemented to boost SEO?

Implementing Mega Menus:

When we think of Mega menus, the three main things that are to be considered are: Crawlability, HTML simplicity and code order replacement.

While crawling your website, Google performs templating. This means thousands of URLs help Google to quickly understand the templates which are useful in website construction. They will determine whether you have placed the links properly or not.

They will also check whether the link is related to other content links or not and these are not the main content links. We know that when Google finds multiple links to the same page then it will use anchor text of the link that is encountered first.

Google will sometimes ignore navigational link anchor text when it is more in preference with better anchor text that is available in the code. If you place the navigation after the main content in HTML code then it will increase the opportunity to offer value to the links which is offered by the editors.

How much should be the depth of the Menu?

How much deep a mega menu should be? For this, complete examination is to be done regarding strong domain and inventory. For any average sized international seller, the Mega Menu can include various top categories related to its niche.

Before knowing what depth each needs, it is necessary to know about SEO value that is needed. This is related to the back link profile. It is necessary to examine the SEO strength. One must spend time and use multiple tools.

How Top level Mega Menus should be?

For heavy categories like as Top level ones; Mega menus must have a visual clarity as well as anchor text written in such a way that it clearly communicates the link location. Prominent search box included within the menu can be widened to offer opt out.

Don’t post links to more than four individual items. Deep level pages that are linked from home page to top level categories must be changed frequently based on SEO priorities. Constantly changing main navigation is not advisable keeping in mind the usability.

Prefer to use a specific menu theme for every Mega Menu in such a way that it can easily display sub categories in the same visual style with a separate departmental navigational element.

Avoid including links in Mega menus. This reduces your site hierarchy and reduces the ability to Spotlight or improve pages with very small tweaks to the Mega menu content or any other top level body content.

Wind Up:

Hence, it is advisable that your website SEO must be well equipped to meet your website structure as this will definitely provide more out of your SEO efforts. For more such guidance, stay tuned with Platinum SEO; Professionals SEO Melbourne.