Social media can be one of the most effective marketing mediums however for brands that fail to use it in an appropriate manner it can lead to intense break down. So, before actually using any social media site it’s necessary to understand that it is actually useful and it will help you in boosting your revenue.
Hence, to know which social media site is really helpful to your business there are several social media marketing metrics that must be tracked to identify the one that suits our needs. But, due to some reasons chances are such that social shares may provide very little information about the campaign effectiveness.

Few of these reasons are as follows:
- Most of the social shares are from bots.
- Sometimes social shares are not from target customers.
- Certain social shares can be from people who envy your brand.
Several Facebook likes and re-tweets can offer interesting details. Certain metrics must also be tracked in order to understand the effect of social media efforts. The main objective of social media campaign must include customer engagement as well as brand awareness. Social shares can be a part of the story but several metrics must be tracked to get deep insights.
Some important Social media metrics that must be traced:
- Brand Search Volume: As per the study, customers that are open to a brand on social media are 200% more likely to look for a brand on search engines. This shows that search volume for certain brands serves to be one of the significant metrics to measure performance.Still, there are some brands that fail to monitor these metrics. So, how can one keep in mind to remember to trace this metrics? To keep this task easy and simple, there are various types of tools available which are used to estimate brand search volume and some of the effective ones are Google Insights and Google Trends.These tools can be used to see changes in search volume for various different brands as compared to those of competitors. This can provide you a deep insight about the ability to interact with customers on social media as compared to your competitors.
- Increase in Leads: Certain data like as number of followers on social media sites are the good indicators of entire brand awareness and these provide a little information about the capacity of any brand to maximize targeted leads.So, in order to maximize the leads make most use of attribution program to know whether social media campaigns lead to positive leads or rise in conversion rates. Based on the type of program you use, every single action is assigned a perfect weight in order to see its role in the conversion rates.This data will properly show whether the social media campaigns are performing effectively or not and this will throw a light on how perfectly service should be allocated along with the marketing sources in the near future.
- Inbound Links: Inbound links serve as an essential ranking factor for Google and it also can be considered as one of the effective tools to estimate the content’s overall popularity. However, instead of just evaluating any changes to search engine rankings; one of the well known concepts is to examine the changes in link velocity in with context to social media campaigns.Let’s say you organized an online contest and you suddenly saw a spurt in inbound links. This means this strategy works well for your business on internet, thus creating a particular part of content or making use of any other social media strategy.Once you are able to identify the changes and determine which campaign leads to what results then you are done and you can then easily crack the social media thus using it effectively for your business.
Wind Up:
With these three magic metrics, we can say that if you start tracking them on regular basis then you can easily reach to the conclusion as to what works best for your business and then every single effort of yours in developing a social media campaign will become fruitful.
To understand these metrics in an effective manner, you can get in touch with Platinum SEO, SEO Services Melbourne, a unique destination for every type of SEO Services.