SEO Company Sydney Explains How Small Words Can Make A Huge Difference On Google Serps?

Discussions on the importance of keywords and various combinations revealed few interesting things worth sharing.

The full focus should be on how the search results in page changes with an additional change in the search query and what the implications of that word are. SEO Company Sydney reveals how the number of pages variations in the search results. It is important to think from the user’s perspective.


The customers are never sure about anything and just by adding “best” to your query; you can see changes in the results. Ranking bubbles up when the word “best” is used. Google infers some type of ranking, desired by the consumer and user ratings and reviews are the drivers behind the rankings.

  • What does the data reveal in the search result?

I wanted to have a quick look at the data and see how the keywords performed? So I began pulling search term report and filtered all the keywords that contained the word “best”. The result that I derived was quite interesting. In the metrics, the “best” keywords metrics were about 2 times the average across the keywords. It indicates two very important things.

  1. The consumers respond at an extremely high level to keywords with high interest.
  2. Due to consumer reaction, the cost for queries becomes too much higher than the norm. It makes perfect sense and is the real beauty of a free market economy.
  • What does the above finding mean?

SEO Companies reveal that the trick is to consider fewer inclusions of keyword and focus more on how you support a robust search listing and make use of data.

  • Robust listings

It is important to see that your product listing ads are included and also that your local inventory and ratings are also robust. You may notice that between the above two queries, not only the three factors are different in the results, but also not a single repeat product is shown between the two even if the same brands appear. It reveals that you should have multiple options and in-deepth knowledge of product list available for Google ranking. It is important to get displayed for creating an impression.

  • Usage of data

Just because a particular keyword has a high CTR or CPC, it does not reveal that it is valuable or not unless these are your key performance metrics. A low percent of conversion for keywords may contain best. However, it does not mean that these are bad. You need to look for the attributions or incremental additive impact of your campaigns. It is important to understand what metrics can move your business and look at the problem through multiple lenses. Consider things like:

  1. Does the keyword introduces you to the new potential customers and helps you to get higher CPC and a lower rate of conversion worth traffic?
  2. Only you know the answer to your business issues. However, there are plenty of data that can help you to make a great decision.

SEO Company Sydney implements new ideas for the success of your business. If you are keen on taking external help, then consider Platinum SEO.

