Have a Coming Soon Page on Your WordPress Website? Here are some SEO tips

Generally, we see websites having new pages with a small two word text “Coming Soon”. But, what if these coming soon pages don’t get proper visibility in search engines? Yes, be it an empty web page or a web page with small text, SEO is a vital part for every single web page.

Keeping this thing in mind, we have come up with few SEO tips for Coming Soon web pages that will help you to maximize the website’s visibility in the search engines. These are as follows:

SEO Tips for Coming Soon Pages on your WordPress Website:

  • Start Optimizing the page from beginning: The SEO Campaign should be framed as soon as you launch the new Coming Soon Page. This will save your time as everything will be set up easily. This will further avoid making any changes in future.It will also give you a chance to stay ahead from competitors as they might fail to optimize the Coming Soon page from the first day. If your website is old then chances are more to get maximum rankings.Hence, make sure to apply your SEO efforts as soon as your Coming Soon page is launched.

  • Your Meta Description should be compelling: Every webpage must have a compelling meta description that includes keywords as well as is easily found by search engines. Yes, now Google doesn’t consider meta descriptions much important but still they matter because even today web searchers consider meta descriptions as an important part of SEO.

  • Page titles, keywords must be added: Description is not the only thing that will be displayed in search results. Other information like as page titles and keywords also matter. So, if we talk about Page titles then they should not be more than 60 characters, your brand should get easily emphasized by the title.Same target keywords must be used in page title and description. If your title contains keywords then the Coming Soon page will be easily visible in search engine results.

  • Use qualitative SEO Page Content: Yes, you might be making your page content awesome and this is mandatory from SEO point of view. Coming Soon pages from your website are good for users as well as search engines.

  • Use Links: With Links, one can keep the visitors engaged and they can also be redirected to their pages of interest. Organic links to coming soon pages from social shares can help to increase search result rankings.

Wind up:

With these tips, one can easily make Coming Soon Page visible among search results. So, now if you wish to optimize your WordPress SEO Pages then keep these tips in mind. For more assistance regarding web page optimization and various other SEO techniques, get in touch with Platinum SEO, SEO in Melbourne.