Why the companies of SEO, Sydney & Content Marketers Work Together?

Content and SEO seems as two parts of a puzzle. Both of them fit perfectly but can be confusing for an average online business person. SEO is around the web, and it is far too long to remember. Content marketing is a new phrase, and it got its reputation a couple of years back only.

For a better understanding, it is important to understand its evolution explained by the SEO Sydney expert.

SEO Contents

Why is content marketing incomplete without SEO?

Firstly, understand that the digital marketing world is getting crammed every second. Today website or blog is the easiest thing to do, and anybody can do it. However, thousands of blog become unsuccessful due to lack of traffic and profits. With an increase in competition in the digital world, search engines are also becoming smarter and intelligent.

Earlier, it was easy to trick search engine with black hat SEO techniques. With new algorithms like Google Panda and Penguin, search engines can instantly penalize your site and reduce its search engine rankings. This way you will lose both traffic and money. Life, of a digital marketer or online entrepreneur, is not easy, and only geniuses can grasp the concept of content marketing.

How to make content promoted actually?

You may hire SEO Sydney to optimize your site keywords. The search engines are evolving, and it will soon become the future of SEO. Instead of using some keyword-laden site, that shows its products; you would like to read discussions, reviews, and comparisons to make a decision on purchasing.

If Google and other search engines are reserving its depth content, you should create such pieces of content to educate the audience and help them in making better decisions.

For this, the SEO and content marketers should work together to create long-term content and optimizing it for search engines and backlinks. An in- depth content can provide you the actual solution to your problems. Optimizing a post or creating backlinks should be your long-term plan. The content marketing team should focus on creating evergreen content to stay fresh for a longer time.

Long tail keywords should be used as it forms the backbone of highly optimized content. SEO and content marketers should work together to find long tail keywords. Tools like Google keyword planner, Ubersuggest, etc can be of great help for this. Make sure that the headlines for the web do not cross 55- 60 characters.


Search engines aim to provide best search experience to its users. This way they evolve continuously to provide high-quality content. Platinum SEO has the enormous expertise to the relevant team, and they offer the best service SEO in Sydney and enable its clients to make more gains.