Online Advertising Market in Control of Social Media

Online advertising is on rise and day by day its importance is increasing. Now days, nearly 90% of online advertising market is covered by social media. Here, we have provided some details about well known social media sites which play an important role in the field of Digital Marketing.


Some Famous Social Networking sites that have captured the Digital World:

  • Facebook: Have you ever wondered the number of social media users using Facebook and other social media sites? The figure is more than 2.5 billion users. If we discuss about popular social media sites then Facebook ranks number one in terms of fame and popularity.
  • Twitter: Apart from Facebook, Twitter is one of the well known social media network that is more popular. Talking about controversies, breaking news and other political events; twitter is the one where updates are available first.A special feature of Twitter of allowing people to send short messages of 14 characters or less is what makes twitter popular among social media sites. Talking about its users, Twitter has over 2, 00, 000 new users every day.
  • Instagram: Another well known social networking site is Instagram. It’s one of the famous photography social media platforms that specialize in sharing photos and videos. Here also, the numbers of users are increased to 320 million and the number is still growing, within a second more than 58 pictures are posted via Instagram.
  • LinkedIn: It’s a social media site only for professionals. This online network makes it easy for people to get good jobs as it allows the CV to be displayed and updated professionally as and when needed.Here, people can join several groups of their choice based on their industry or business field. It has also a wide base of 340 million users and is still increasing at the rate of 17,000 new users per day.

This shows how popular social media is in our lives and how it enhances our capability of doing several transactions online such as buying and purchasing things, using internet for online marketing along with the traditional marketing ways and lots more.

E-marketing is in more demand now days as compared to traditional marketing as it offers many benefits to people such as discounts, coupons, special offers and more. Different countries have set their budgets to be spent on digital marketing.

For instance, combining all the digital marketing channels 7% of total expenditure is done only on digital marketing channels and it is predicted to be increased by 10% till the end of year 2015. This shows that day by day popularity of social media channels as well as digital advertising is increasing.

“Social media and digital marketing go Hand in Hand”, one cannot be fulfilled without other as both are interrelated with each other and hence are useful in business growing by leaps and bounds.

Wind Up:

No two individuals are same and if we talk about business, no two businesses are same. Every industry has several business owners that run business on their own and that’s the reason tough competition always exists in the market.

Similar is the case with digital marketing, everyone uses it as per the need but the one who succeeds to get required output is the one who knows how to use it wisely and effectively. So, if you wish to make appropriate use of online advertising for your business then well known SEO companies in Melbourne like Platinum SEO are always ready to help you.