How SEO Company use Interactive Content Media for Website Promotion?

Content is king, we all know that, but it has a lot more than just plain text, here are few of the unusual and most interactive content media that Best SEO Melbourne firm uses.


A popular approach is making maps that delineate some type of data. Maps enable you to represent data from around the globe, which implies you can contribute it to productions any nation with an edge according to their location and residing individuals.

Extensive national news productions frequently include them if the subject is sufficiently unmistakable, and it’s additionally a mainstream style of content on Reddit which numerous writers and site editors use as a source of stories for their own websites. When you motivate a comment off on Reddit, you’ll likely find that the connections will follow. We composed a contextual investigation of how we did this to get more than 100 connections for a site, which separates the procedure in an order. You can make your own correct approach when you wish.

Interactive Content Media


There’s nothing very breathtaking about infographics, yet it’s astounding what number of individuals are as yet doing this off-base. Essentially producing a realistic with a few figures on will never be sufficient to get you the coverage, exposure and connections. You have to outline data that demonstrates a point or shows off data that individuals will need to use as a kind of perspective to help the article they’re working on.

For an instance, this wine and food blending infographic can simply be utilized as a kind of perspective for individuals expounding on eating and drinking regimen, and it looks wonderful as well. That is the reason it has connections from any semblance of Business Insider, Lifehack, and numerous others. Try not to make infographics for it, think about a story you and individuals need to tell with the data and after that make something delightful to feature that edge.

Infographics like this are for the most part incredible for getting the links from various websites in your own particular specialty, and in addition a portion of the greater news-style journals like Business Insider and BuzzFeed who will sometimes figure out how to distribute fascinating content when it comes their direction. When you can tie it in with topical news stories then you can likewise discover your way into national news productions like the Daily Mail or Independent in United Kingdom.


Making illustrations is an incredible approach to open up your effort to design website, which create and share content routinely and are dependably vigilant for excellent outlines. Spots like My Modern Met and Design Taxi are extraordinary focuses for this sort of approach and both are effective. Your approach can shift, from making retro blurbs to false book covers as long as it looks wonderful and is a fascinating idea you will have an awesome shot of picking up scope.

This approach likewise enables you to tie into mainstream culture as well, making illustrations that tie together your subject and the sort of things popular culture productions need to discuss. We did this by making illustrations of the Instagram nourishes of Disney Princesses a perpetual point of enthusiasm on vacation, that was canvassed in Cosmopolitan and Glamor among numerous others.

These sorts of productions aren’t normally get interested by infographics or covering the content organizations have made without anyone else site, so design open another way to get connections and manage the exposure from them.

The way to getting incredible links isn’t so easy especially when it is about using the interactive content medium, yet it needs some imaginative juice that only the Best SEO Melbourne firm the Platinum SEO has Ideally, these illustrations will give you some motivation for sorts of content that you can use to go and begin.