Attract more offline Interactions via Social Media

Till now, we were aware about the fact that social media is used to get maximum number of online interactions but today we will learn how offline interactions too can be easily attracted via social media.


Social Media now can be used to attract offline interactions as well:

  • Use images that speak thousand words: Use images relevant to your offline campaign as well as the one that has very brief text. While selecting an image, make sure that the performer is easily featured for promoting posts.For other store events, it is advisable to include image highlights as well as have happy customers.
  • Avoid stuffing the text with all details: The posts must be driven by images that convey large messages easily in a very short manner. But the images should not be overloaded with text instead it should include only necessary details like the date, venue as well as the time of any of the offline event that is carried out. Just give a link to the event in order to promote it.
  • Make most use of images: Some images are too costly and one cannot afford these high quality original photos. At times, it is important to pay for stock photography instead of using free resources.You can also get subscribed to certain websites that charge certain fees for images like as Shuttershock offering five photos for $49. One can also make use of such tools that are used to create infographics, videos as well as memes.
  • Make use of search friendly hash tags: Using relevant hash tags will make it easy for users to find the event on social media networks. Make use of atleast three relevant hash tags among which one should be location specific.Take your time to know which hashtags will be suitable as well as effective for the event for which you want to get maximum of offline interactions. Several search and explore features can also be used to test possible hash tags.
  • Highlight the incentives for those who attend the event: Highlight what people will get if they are attending your event. Let’s say you are going to offer 10% discount on the products for those who are attending your event. This will encourage people to attend your event and you can have more number of visitors.

Wind up:

So, next time when you wish to promote your offline events via any of the social media networks, make sure to use these tips and then you will see a crowd of visitors at your place. For more such tips and tricks, stay connected to Platinum SEO, SEO Company in Melbourne where experts are always ready to assist you for each and every query related to social media.