How SEO Professionals Melbourne Improves Website Rankings by understanding Google Penguin Updates

Gaining top ranking in Google is what every webmaster wants. The companies spend lots of bucks in gaining Google rankings and optimize their websites. In the last few years, Google has brought up strict regulations to make sure that only the highest quality website who is meeting the clients issue gets the top rankings. The main motive behind this is to eliminate the spam website. The SEO Professionals Melbourne understands the importance of high quality website; therefore perform thorough research to keep them updated with the Google latest release algorithm.

What is Google Penguin Update?

So what is Google Penguin Update?

Google has known to release it’s updated frequently to mark genuineness of the website. It has released its Penguin update in April 2012 that is used to catch those websites that have been doing spamming and reflecting Google results specially by doing link building techniques following by buying the link or through those link networks that are created to improve rankings in Google.

How you know your website it hit?

Currently, no one can login and find if Google Penguin has hit your website. It may be hard for the amateur webmasters to learn about the Google latest result. Fortunately, you have the option of hiring SEO professionals who understand the complexity of the algorithms. The SEO Professionals Melbourne will study your website to find out your website traffic. Do they decrease in number in the last few days after the Penguin release?

Three conclusions come up that helps in identifying if a website is really hit by Penguin or not. If nothing happens to your website, then it means Penguin update has no impact on your website. If there is a sudden increase in the traffic, then the update has benefitted your website and if there is a sudden fall in your website traffic then the update has hit your website.

How to prevent the website from getting hit?

  • Quality: Google always force in having quality website. Its latest release of Penguin enforces website content quality and links authenticity. It checks how many back links a website is getting. If so, then are those sources relevant?
  • Relevancy of Link: Posting the website links to another website that are not relevant to your content may let you get hit.
  • Organic Linking: If suddenly your website gets a high number of back links then this may alert Google about authenticity of the links. Those websites that have links build in time are considered to have genuine.
  • Similar Anchor Text: Avoid using similar keyword multiple times in an anchor text. You may use synonyms for such keywords.
  • Links from Genuine Resources: Always build your links from those websites that are not marked as spam by Google as only the quality link building website were ranked by the Google.
How to recover from Penguin hit?

If you found that your website is hit by Google Penguin, then the foremost thing to do is to follow the Google guidelines. Remove all spam links from your website. Google may have also sent a message regarding the occurrence of spam links in your website. The SEO professionals will make sure to update the website following the Google algorithm.

Wind Up

To be in the top rankings of Google, it is important that one should always remain attentive with the latest release by Google and track their website to see the impact of the update on it.