Is email really outdated in digital marketing?

Email now is the part of our daily life and still we think that they are outdated from digital marketing. But, believe it or not it is powerful tool to boost customer engagement. So, let’s find the reason as to why this is not popular in the online marketing world.


Is email really useful?

Email is widely used tool for communication. If we compare this to any advertising or search campaign then email marketing is the one that helps us to communicate effectively with clients. As per the Email marketing Census 2015, 22% organizations send nearly 1million emails in a month.

The reason, companies feel that customers quickly respond to an email as compared to any other communication way and if we look keeping in mind the cost, then emails are cost effective serving as a cheapest option to be in touch with customers.

As per the survey, 40% companies spend nearly about only AUS $9000 per year on emails. This we can say is a lot cheaper as compared to any other online marketing technique and for every one dollar spent on emails, it provides an average return of $44.25

If we keep in mind some well known online businesses and the total amount of monthly traffic generated via emails by them then the data is as follows:

  • 3.2%
  • 2.4%

On the other hand, if we consider conversion rates then these are significantly higher as well as it also generates returning customer visits with less cost per acquisition.

Looking at emails from revenue perspective then as compared to the marketing budget spent on emails, only 10% of respondents actually respond back and so he doesn’t generate huge amount of revenue.

Considering email technology, an important factor is “a user friendly interface” that is more in demand.

Positive Points of email Marketing:

With email marketing, you can get good data insight and this helps at an aggregate level which will highly impact the future campaigns. So, email marketing is basically for businesses:

  • Of similar size
  • Having peers in same industry
  • Based on the type of campaigns.

Several email platforms have huge number of clients such as Pure360 has over 1400 customers. So, this means that email marketing actually works but still it depends on the type of your business as well as the way you seem to interact with customers.

You can send email newsletters along with adopting certain social media campaigns. Further, a combination of email marketing with social media actually works wonders. Also, it is one of the perfect internet marketing tools for small businesses and start ups as they can market their business within a limited budget.

Wind up:

So, now if you wish to make most use of internet and you are one of the small businesses struggling to get online presence then email marketing is the best suitable technique for you. If you really want to know how this technique can be used in a better way then Platinum SEO, SEO Experts in Melbourne is here to help you out.