Eight Signs to Identify Wrong Digital Marketing

Digital marketing is an essential component for any online business. Be it small or medium or large enterprise, it has become the need of the hour but still many are not aware about its importance and this is one of the reasons we find people carrying out digital marketing activities in a wrong manner.

Proper systems to carry out digital marketing perfectly are not known by the business owners and hence even after spending thousands of bucks; they are unable to get the desired results. Today, in this blog post, we are here to show you some of the signs that will be helpful to identify whether you are doing right or wrong digital marketing.

Digital Marketing Concept

So, let’s move ahead and know these signs:

    • Bulk revenue tracking: As per the 2015 content marketing report, very few manufacturers use sales data to evaluate marketing success. This data must be calculated automatically without making any use of manual spreadsheets. Connecting this data to the sales is an important part to determine the return on investment. But make sure to measure the success of individual channels instead of measuring them in bulk.
    • Undefined Content Strategy: Digital marketing mainly depends on three things: Who, what and why. This means first of all you must decide the target audience, then the message that you actually wish to deliver to them and finally why you think your product or service is beneficial to them. Among the crowd of companies available online, only 20% have a well framed content marketing strategy. It’s mandatory to develop such plans as this will help you to identify your goals and provide you a clear idea of what exactly you wish to communicate with buyers.
    • PPC, SEO, Email are the only terms of Digital Marketing: By means of email, social media, PPC you can easily get connected with your targeted audience. However, based on the type of your business it’s necessary to decide as to which platform serves you the best. Selecting the right platform is a part of your digital marketing strategy and further you must manage positions for market research and strategy, content development as well as distribution, result insights and analysis.
    • Sales is separate from that of developing content strategy: Sales insight can help to write the content which will make it stand out from the crowd. Hence, it’s necessary to consider sales as a tool to decide the content that must be written to attract the visitors.
    • Mismanagement of leads by Custom Relationship Management: Having customer relationship management system is necessary for any business as it provides insights about which digital efforts have how much share in revenue. This is one of the tools that helps to examine the ROI as well as the juicy leads which if followed will definitely generate revenue.
    • Improper use of Landing Pages: Landing pages have the clear message and needs only one action from the user. Always follow the rule of “least clicks to the desired action” and test as much content as you wish to identify what fits the purpose. Make proper use of landing pages to describe your product or service in as much detail as you can. Also, enlist its benefits so that visitors can identify as to why your product or service supersedes that of your competitor.
    • Make Videos a part of your Digital Marketing strategy: Videos have now become the easiest way to communicate with the potential buyers. Today, 90% of manufacturers prefer to use video as a part of content strategy. Hence, start using videos to promote your products and services and you will see increase in traffic by upto 80%. Yes, YouTube will serve as the bets platform to make most use of your videos.
    • Website is three years plus: The more your presence is on the web, the more people are likely to trust you. Hence, always maintain a clean, updated website as per the recent digital standards as this serves as an important investment in your business.

Generally people judge you by the website you have and hence investing in your website means you are investing it in yourself.

Wind up:

With these signs, we are sure you might be able to diagnose wrong digital marketing and rectify it to get more out of it. Be it any kind of business; everyone wants to get appropriate results for what they are spending.

So, make sure to correct your digital marketing techniques in case they are going wrong and see your business growing by leaps and bounds. For more guidance about latest digital marketing trends, get in touch with Platinum SEO; provider of affordable SEO Services in Melbourne.