How many times have you heard the term, or even used it? The term I am talking about is “Google it”. Last week I was out with friends and we were talking about going to a café for coffee. The confusion was where to go. The next thing I see all of them had their smart phones out and were busy naming places that we could go to or cafeterias that had recently opened up. Approximately 80% of online purchases begin with the buyer typing the name of the product they are interested in on Google. To ensure that your website ranks high on the search engine page, or on Google as we commonly say, you need to optimize this. So how do you go about optimizing it? The answer to this is using Search Engine Optimisation or SEO in Adelaide.

First, it is important to determine which keywords are best for your product or for the buyers you want to target. Keywords are the words that a customer will type into the search field of the search engine. Since I was speaking about café, I would probably Google “Cafes in Adelaide”; these would be my keywords. So you need to think about the phrases and the words that buyers would type to search for your product or business services.

Basics of SEO

Additional tips for selecting keywords

  • Use plurals for your keywords but avoid constant repetition
  • Misspell keywords if they are common. For example, the word Kaftan is also spelt as Caftan.
  • So it would be wise to include both these spellings into the keywords.
  • It is not always necessary to use obvious keywords. Include phrases that may get fewer searches but higher results
  • The fewer the keywords, the bigger the impact. Make sure your combined keywords add up to a 1000 characters.

Secondly, based on the keywords you are targeting, create “meta tags” on all pages of your website. Meta tags are descriptive text phrases written in HTML code on your site. They are not visible on your web pages but search engines can find and read them. It is a good idea to have a look at what meta tags your competitors are using before generating your own. You can do this from your browser’s toolbar, click on “View” and then click on “Source”. A window with HTML text will open and you can study it. The most important meta tags will be found at the top of the page.

The key meta tags for marketing purposes are title, description and keywords. These tags control what web users will see when your site is listed in the search engines and will help decide whether the user will visit or site or not. It is therefore important to have a title that makes sense to your site visitors. The title tag should be a maximum of 95 characters, including spaces, and no longer than six to seven words.

When your website comes up in the search engine results, the “description” meta tag is often the opening statement that users will use to decide whether to access the link or not. The description tag should be a maximum of 220 characters with spaces.

Put your keywords in your meta tags as well as include them in the first 25 words of your homepage.

There in a nutshell I have briefly outlined the simple SEO guidelines. Obviously it is always wise to let the professionals do it and Platinum SEO in Adelaide are just the people to do it for you. Save the headache and let them take the pain.