What’s new in Social Media Field? Arrival of New Social Media Tools:

Constantly updating Social media field cannot have a single day without having any updates and so to be successful; one should always have an eye on what’s going on in the industry. Here, we have come up with some newly launched social media tools that will be effective to bring your business ahead in the online world.


Let’s have an overview of these tools:

  • SoTrender: This is an amazing tool that helps us to identify the social media trends and keep an eye on our competitors. This is one of the useful social media analytics tool that provides deep insights and recommendations on what things when shared on Facebook, Twitter and YouTube can actually help to bring results.This software helps to choose things that are actually result oriented. You can have a free demo to check how it exactly works and how it is beneficial for your business.
  • ReachPod: Easy to Manage multiple accounts at one time This tool is used to keep a track of all the latest conversations and content on every social media network. With this tool one can easily keep a track of several social media accounts at the same time. Feeds are generated into “pods” where the competition can be tracked and the content that is most important can also be filtered. It’s one of the well adopted ways to bring maximum out of your marketing strategy.
  • OnlyPult: A social media tool especially designed to manage and schedule posts on Instagram; a well known social network. Every time you may not be able to manage to post your images on Instagram.With this tool, you can easily upload and save images for sharing later. It includes photo filters, hashtag options and the feature that allows posting images on multiple accounts. It’s available at nominal monthly fees and its worthy if Instagram is one of the tools you are using to boost your business.
  • Viraltag: Content is important but visual content can help to increase the network at a faster speed. Images shared on social media channels like Facebook, Pinterest and Tumblr can help to widen the network upto two folds.With Viraltag, one can easily find attractive photos which can easily be integrated on Canva, Picasa, Flickr, Tumblr, Instagram, Dropbox and RSS. An easy way to make image sharing a simple task is to use Viraltag which is available at very nominal monthly fee.

Wind up:

Yeah, we are all well aware that there are several social media tools available in the market but do each of them serves the purpose? Well, depending on the need; the tools can be used. However, these tools discussed here will help you to boost your marketing strategy to an extent.

Try to use them and in case you need more details or explanation about the same then stay in touch with Platinum SEO, SEO Company in Melbourne where experienced professionals can guide you in a perfect manner.